Food Management and Certification

Food Management and Certification

Performance Results

  • Silks Hotel Group's hotels had no incidents of fines imposed for violating food safety and hygiene management regulations in 2023.
  • In September 2023, the Regent Taipei banquet hall passed the renewal certification of the HACCP food safety control system issued by TQSCI. A total of 64 self-inspections, 14 internal food safety and hygiene audits, and 32 venue cleaning, maintenance, and hygiene inspections were conducted.
  • Silks Place Tainan conducted 4 microbial self-inspections, 8 internal food safety and hygiene audits, and 35 venue cleaning, maintenance, and hygiene inspections.

Future Goals

Short-term Goals
Medium to Long-term Goals

  • Strict adherence to food safety regulations, employee training, and ingredient source supervision.
  • Implement employee food safety training to ensure all staff understand and comply with the latest safety regulations and procedures.
  • Strengthen the emphasis on customer health and safety, creating greater value for all stakeholders.

Food safety incidents pose a serious threat to customer health and directly affect their trust in the hotel, leading to customer loss. Negative news reports and social media reviews can significantly impact potential customers' willingness to choose the hotel, thereby affecting revenue. The hotel may also face legal proceedings and high compensation, and may even be subject to temporary closure and fines, resulting in operational losses. By implementing a comprehensive food safety management system, Silks Hotel Group takes direct responsibility for protecting consumer health.

Policy Commitment

Silks Hotel Group demonstrates a significant and ongoing commitment to food safety and health. We not only actively enhance food safety management standards but also promote education and training to ensure that our employees and suppliers adhere to the strictest hygiene standards. We deeply understand that the ultimate goal of food safety is to protect consumer health and well-being while maintaining the company's reputation and image.

Actions Taken

We implement the "Food Safety and Hygiene Environmental Standard Operating Procedures," adopting stringent food safety management, continuous employee training, and effective emergency measures to mitigate food safety risks, protect customer health, maintain brand reputation, and ensure sustainable economic benefits.

Evaluation Mechanisms
  • Through internal and external audits, we ensure that all food handling processes comply with international and domestic regulatory standards.
  • Supplier annual evaluation results. Number of participants and hours in employee food hygiene and safety training courses.
  • Instances of fines imposed for violating food safety and hygiene management regulations.
Stakeholder Engagement

Based on the results of stakeholder engagement identification, Silks Hotel Group will continue to lead the industry, constantly innovating and improving our performance in food safety and hygiene management, further achieving sustainable development goals and creating greater value for all stakeholders.

Food Safety Risk Management

The company has a dedicated food safety risk management team, led by the general managers of each hotel. Members include the Sustainability Manager or dedicated personnel, Hygiene Manager, Food and Beverage Department Manager, and Executive Chef, who jointly monitor food safety risk management. Following the international standards of Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), we have formulated the "Food Safety and Hygiene Environmental Standard Operating Procedures" as the control standard for food safety and hygiene self-management and internal audits.







Workplace Certification

The scale and diversity of catering services pose significant challenges in food safety management, especially for banquet halls, which often exceed the scale of typical restaurants and require diverse dishes, thereby increasing potential food safety risks. In response, we have conducted detailed hazard analysis for various banquet dishes and established strict critical control points to ensure the food safety and health of every customer.

Since 2014, the banquet hall at Regent Taipei has been certified with the HACCP food safety control system by TQSCI. This not only affirms the effectiveness of our food safety management system but also demonstrates our compliance with international standards. This certification requires annual review, and we successfully passed the renewal assessment in September 2023. The audit results indicate that our food safety management fully complies with the ISO19011 international standard.

Obtained TQSCI HACCP certification since 2014


Food safety management fully complies with ISO19011


Food Safety Supervision and Implementation


To effectively supervise the Food Safety and Hygiene Environmental Standard Operating Procedures, Silks Hotel Group has established a HACCP control team with the following functions and implementations:






Furthermore, we have planned internal audit operating procedures, implementing comprehensive hygiene and safety inspections from procurement, storage, and production to the dining environment. We also conduct regular environmental hygiene cleaning and deficiency improvements to achieve continuous improvement in food safety and hygiene. The core focus areas are as follows:


Regular inspections and evaluations

Regularly inspect and evaluate the operation of the food safety control system to ensure that all operations comply with HACCP risk control standards.

Auditor qualifications

The audit professional team consists of hygiene management personnel with HACCP and relevant food safety training.

Audit frequency

At least one complete internal audit is conducted annually.

On-site audit activities

The audited unit can assign personnel to accompany the audit for better understanding and improvement. Audit results will be recorded in the internal food safety and hygiene audit report and scored based on the scoring sheet.

Deficiency improvement and tracking

Deficiencies identified during the audit must be addressed by relevant departments with improvement plans within the specified timeframe, and continuous tracking and evaluation are required until the issues are completely resolved.

Equipment management and updates

To ensure the functional safety of equipment, regularly assess equipment that may affect the hygienic environment and allocate budgets annually for updates or replacements based on needs.


Personnel Hygiene Management

We comply with the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Food Safety and Sanitation Management Act and related regulations, implementing a comprehensive hygiene management system, including personal hygiene checks for employees, annual health examinations, and strict control of potential food safety risks.


Education, Training, and Development

We have established an annual education and training plan, inviting professionals or internal management to serve as lecturers, providing employees with professional training on food hygiene and safety. New employees must undergo training on dress code, hand hygiene, and food contamination prevention behaviors before officially starting work. We also encourage chefs and other catering staff to participate in hygiene training courses organized by relevant authorities or recognized institutions to ensure their professional skills stay up-to-date.


Annual Health Examinations

All new employees must pass a comprehensive health examination conducted by qualified professionals to ensure they have no health issues that may affect food safety. 
Frontline kitchen and food service personnel undergo stricter annual health examinations. Before starting work each day, we confirm the health status of employees and reassign those with any abnormalities or wounds to avoid direct contact with food. Additionally, catering staff undergo regular checkups for noise and high temperatures in their work environment.

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Silks Hotel Group Spokesperson / Ms. Brita Wang

  • T +886-2-25215000 ext.3376
  • E


Regent Taipei Human Resources Department / Ms. Sara Chien

  • T +886-2-25215000 ext. 3615
  • E